Monsterologist at AlienCon Baltimore 2018!
Just added to my artist table event list over on the Events page, I am now confirmed for AlienCon Baltimore 2018 in Baltimore, MD November 9-11, 2018.
The event is for fans of the Ancient Aliens television show (and ancient astronaut theory in general).
Guests include:
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
Co-Executive Producer, "Ancient Aliens", Publisher, "Legendary Times" Magazine -
Erich Von Däniken
Author, Chariots of the Gods -
David Childress
Ancient Civilizations author -
Linda Moulton Howe
Investigative Reporter, Documentary Filmmaker -
Nick Pope
British Government UFO Investigator
I set up the artist table at AlienCon Pasadena 2018 earlier this year, and it went great. Very much looking forward to the Baltimore event.
Will of course have all my ancient astronaut patches, buttons & stickers, as well as my alien and UFO patches, buttons & stickers.