Cthulhu Fhtagn circle sticker
Cthulhu Fhtagn circle sticker
Weatherproof, laminated vinyl indoor/outdoor sticker — perfect for water bottles, cars, laptops! 2.75 in W x 2.75 in L
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This Cthulhu die-cut vinyl sticker features everybody's favorite Great Old One, surrounded by mystical occult-like sigils that are revealed to read "Cthulhu Fhtagn" to the initiated within the secret society of H. P. Lovecraft fans.
2.8" W x 2.8" L
Sticker Details (click to expand)
Sticker Details (click to expand)
• 2.75 in W x 2.75 in L
• weatherproof matte vinyl
• UV resistant laminate
Is the sticker waterproof?
Is the sticker waterproof?
Monsterologist stickers are weatherproof, laminated vinyl indoor/outdoor stickers — perfect for water bottles, cars, laptops!
Be sure to check out the other Cthulhu stickers, and all the Cthulhu items.
Plus: all the Lovecraft stickers and Lovecraft items, and all the Monsterologist stickers.